The animated label beer

Zoetrope is a beer collaboration of Lervig and Gross breweries. This "Hazy Doble Dry Hopping DIPA" will blow up your mouth and your mind.

This animated beer label is designed by Nanna Guldbæk and Imanol Costas from Lervig and Gross, both designers from each breweries.

How to watch the animation

First it is important to know that itsn't posible to see the animation at simple eyesight. It is nesesary to see it throught the camera.

Put this beer on a turntable and shot a movie with your smartphone or video camera.

1. Turnplate at 78RPM (45 RPM for Slipper & Wheels beer)

You need a turnplate that works at 78RPM. This label don't work at common 33RPM and 45RPM speeds.

Some compatible turntables: Numark, Audio Technica, Amazon...

2. Set camera to 30FPS

If you are using your smartphone you don't have to worri because most smartphones shot movies at a frame rate of 30FPS. But if your are using a video camera set frame rate to 30FPS. Mind that this label don't work at other frame rates such as 24FPS, 25FPS, 50FPS, 60FPS....

Sometimes you will need to setup your camera in NTSC instead of PAL to set at 30FPS.

4. Set Low Exposure

Use the lowest exposure to avoid blurry animations. Fast shutter speed make footage go dark so use high ISO values and well ilumintate the scene. For better performance try daylight on a sunny day.

Tip for adjust exposure on smartphone

Set the exposure in a smartphone can be a little bit tricky. It posible to adjust exposure on iPhone by clicking in point of interest and pitch down the "sun button".

Make your own animated label

¿Are you a designer? Download this template for a animated label.